Hytale Wiki
Hypixel.net homepage
The homepage of Hypixel.net in 2020.

Hypixel Inc.
Registration date
16 June 2012 (11 years ago)

Hypixel.net is the official website for the Hypixel server in Minecraft. The website features the Hypixel Forums and Hypixel Store as well as information about the server itself.

History[ | ]

The domain for Hypixel.net was first registered on 16 June 2012.[1] The website went public on 22 September 2012, and was originally a place for discussing and downloading Minecraft adventure maps created by Simon Collins-Laflamme and Philippe Touchette.[2] The Hypixel server was released on 13 April 2013,[3] with the website becoming a place to have discussions about the server on addition to the adventure maps.

Pages[ | ]

Home[ | ]


The home page of Hypixel.net. Displays a feed containing the latest featured posts from the Hypixel Forums.

Play[ | ]


Contains information on how to connect to the Hypixel server as well as overviews of minigames available on the server.

Forums[ | ]


A hub of the many different Hypixel Forum topics, including forums about each minigame on the Hypixel server as well as general news and server discussion forums.

Rules[ | ]


A list of rules about the Hypixel server and website. Includes the website's privacy policy and terms of service.

Subdomains[ | ]

API[ | ]


The public API for Hypixel. Each URL below needs to have an access key; one can be obtained by typing /api on the Hypixel server.

S String N Number B Boolean O Object AofS Array of strings
<field> A repeating object field that takes a certain format.
Method[a] Query parameters[b] Content
S key A valid access key.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
AofO boosters An array of objects containing information about the active server coin or XP boosters. Each object in the array contains the following:
S _id The ID of the booster.
S purchaserUuid The UUID of the Minecraft player who purchased the booster.
N amount The numerical multiplier of the booster.
N originalLength The total time the booster will be active for.
N length The time remaining on the booster.
N gameType The upper camel case ID of the minigame this booster is active in.
N dateActivated A Unix timestamp of when the booster was activated.
B/AofS stacked Either a boolean value relating to whether the booster is stacked or not, or an array containing the UUIDs of the Minecraft players who have stacked the booster.
O boosterState An object containing the state of the active boosters.
B decrementing A boolean that indicates whether the booster duration is ticking down or not.
S key A valid access key.
S byName A given guild name to search for.
S byUuid A given Minecraft player UUID to search for.
Search for the ID of a guild.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
S guild The ID of the most applicable guild to the search query.
S key A valid access key.
S UUID A valid Minecraft player UUID.
Gives a list of friends for a given player.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
A records An array of friends. Each object in the array contains the following:
S _id The ID of the friend request.
S uuidSender The Minecraft player UUID of the player who sent the friend request.
S uuidReceiver The Minecraft player UUID of the player who received the friend request.
N started A Unix timestamp about when the friend request was accepted.
S key A valid access key.
Displays how many players are on each minigame server on Hypixel.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
O game A list of minigames.
O <game> The uppercase ID of a minigame. Gives a list of players in that given minigame.
N players The number of players currently on that server.
O modes A list of modes for that minigame.
N <mode> The number of players playing that given mode.
S key A valid access key.
S id A given guild ID.
S name A given guild name to search for.
S player A given Minecraft player UUID to search for.
Every single piece of information related to that guild. Important fields are detailed below.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
O guild Information relating to that guild.
S _id The ID of that guild.
N created The Unix timestamp of when that guild was created.
S name The name of that guild.
S name_lower Ditto but lowercase.
S description The description of that guild set by its owners.
S tag The guild tag set by its owners that appears after members' usernames.
S tagColor The upper snake case color name of the guild tag.
N exp Total number of experience the guild has.
AofO members A list of members in the guild. Important fields in each object are detailed below.
S uuid The Minecraft player UUID without hyphens of that player.
S rank The uppercase rank name of that player.
N joined The Unix timestamp of when that player joined the guild.
O expHistory An object containing dates in the last week where that user has earned experience.
N <date> A date in "YYYY-MM-DD" form. The number of experience that player earned in that day.
B joinable Whether the guild is publicly joinable
S key A valid access key.
The official leaderboards for minigames on the server.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
O leaderboards A list of minigames.
AofO <game> The uppercase ID of a minigame. Gives a list of leaderboard statistics in that given minigame. Each object in the array contains the following:
S path The ID of the leaderboard statistic.
S prefix A qualifier for the statistic.
S title The base title of the statistic.
S location Comma-delimited coordinates of the leaderboard showcase in that minigame's lobby.
N count The number of players on that leaderboard.
AofS leaders A list of Minecraft UUIDs of players on the leaderboard.
S key A valid access key.
Displays information about a given access key.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
O record
S key The access key in question.
S owner The UUID of the Minecraft player that activated the key.
N limit The limit on how many queries a given key can be used for per day.
N queriesInPastMin The number of queries this key has been used for in the past minute.
N totalQueries The total number of queries.
S key A valid access key.
S uuid A valid Minecraft player UUID.
Every single piece of information related to that Minecraft player UUID. Important fields are detailed below.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
S _id The Hypixel ID of that player.
O achievements Contains progress on server achievements.
N <achievement> A snake case ID of an achievement. Displays the current progress on that achievement.
AofS achievementsOneTime An array contains snake case achievement IDs of one-off achievements the player has achieved.
S displayname The last known username of that player.
S playername Ditto but in lowercase.
N firstLogin The Unix timestamp of when the player first logged in.
AofS knownAliases A list of previous known usernames of that player.
AofS knownAliasesLower Ditto but in lowercase.
N networkExp The current amount of experience that player has.
S newPackageRank An upper scake case ID of the current rank the player has.
S mcVersionRP The last Minecraft version the player logged in using.
S key A valid access key.
S uuid A valid Minecraft player UUID.
Displays a maximum of 100 games in order that player has played on in the past three days.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
AofO games An inverse chronological list of minigames that player has been in. Each object contains the following:
N date The Unix timestamp of when the minigame started.
S gameType The upper camel case ID of the minigame.
S mode The upper camel case ID of the mode of the minigame.
S map The title case map name.
N ended The Unix timestamp of when that game ended.
S key A valid access key.
Displays the number of players currently on the Hypixel server.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
N playerCount The total number of players currently on the server.
resources None A collection of resources such as general achievement and quest information.
skyblock A collection of APIs relating to the SkyBlock minigame.
S key A valid access key.
S uuid A valid Minecraft player UUID.
Returns the server that player is current playing on.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
O session
B online Whether the player is online or not. If false, the remaining fields are not present.
S gameType The upper snake case ID of the minigame that player is currently in.
S mode The lower snake case ID of the game mode that player is currently in.
S map The title case map name that player is currently in.
S key A valid access key.
Returns statistics about Hypixel's anti-cheat software, Watchdog.
B success Whether or not the query was successful.
N watchdog_lastMinute The number of bans issued by Watchdog in the past minute.
N watchdog_rollingDaily The number of bans issued by Watchdog in the past day.
N watchdog_total The total number of bans issued by Watchdog.
N staff_rollingDaily The number of bans issued by staff in the last day.
N staff_total The total number of bans issued by staff.
  1. Root-relative to api.hypixel.net
  2. These query string parameters must be included in the URL.

Git[ | ]


Private GitLab hosting for Hypixel.

Goliath[ | ]


Private Goliath information.

Metrics[ | ]


Private Grafana metrics about the server.

Rewards[ | ]


Used to claim rewards on the Hypixel server. URLs take the format rewards.hypixel.net/claim-reward/<8-character hex ID>. Each reward page allows the player to select one of three cosmetic rewards after watching a Hypixel ad.

Rewards Staging[ | ]


A private Cloudfare Access control panel for the rewards subdomain.

SkyBlock[ | ]


An inactive and work-in-progress Hypixel SkyBlock wiki.

Stats[ | ]


Gives various statistics about a given SkyWars match. URLs are given to players at the end of each game, and take the format of stats.hypixel.net/?id=<24-character hex ID>.

Static Assets[ | ]


Hypixel stores most of their assets (i.e. images) in this subdomain.

Status[ | ]


A private Hypixel status subdomain.

Store[ | ]


The Hypixel Store sells ranks, boosters and cosmetic items for use on the Hypixel server.

Support[ | ]


Hypixel's support site contains a variety of articles about how to report issues with the server and general information about the server and websites.

TeamSpeak[ | ]


The IP for Hypixel's TeamSpeak channel.

Translate[ | ]


A public Crowdin translation project for translating various strings relating to the Hypixel server.

Vote[ | ]


A collection of redirects to different Minecraft server voting websites.

ID[a] Website
0 MinecraftServers.org
1 Minecraft-Server-List.com
2 Minecraft-MP.com
3 TopG.org
4 MineStatus.net
5 ServerPact.com
6 MinecraftIPList.com
7 Minelist.net
8 top-mc-servers.net
  1. Root-relative to vote.hypixel.net

Web Staging[ | ]


A private Cloudfare Access control panel for the Hypixel website.

References[ | ]

  1. "Whois hypixel.net" – Whois.com.
  2. "Website is now open in Alpha state!" by Simon Collins-Laflamme. Hypixel Forums, 22 September 2012.
  3. "Official Hypixel Minecraft Server 1.5.2 (BETA)" – Hypixel Forums, 13 April 2013.
